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I am the emperor of Rome. I can be imperious,am easily flattered, very superstitious, and ambitious to become the king of the Roman state.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Second Warning Of March 15th:

Calpurnia pleading for Caesar to stay home
   It was a stormy day.  I was at home about to leave when I was warned for the second time.  This time, Calpurnia was the one who gave me the warning. She stopped me as I was half way out the door and told me that she dreamt of me getting murdered. In her dream she saw many smiling Romans dipping their hands in blood flowing from my statue. I thought her dream was absurd, but to please my wife, I told her that I would stay.  I later found out that her dream had had more meaning then I thought.  
  I told Antony to inform the Senators that I would not be coming. Decius Brutus then walked in and asked why I was not attending the ceremony. I told him the real reason and then told him about Calpurnia's dream.  Decius looked at me and smiled a little. He told me that her dream may mean something else and began to re-interpret it.
 “Calpurnia's dream may be symbolic to your blood reviving Rome. The smiling Romans are seeking distinctive vitality from you, the great Caesar. The Senate will laugh at you for being governed by your wife's dream if you do not come,” said Decius. I remember looking down ashamed for having been swayed by Calpurnia's foolish fears. But I was wrong for that. I should not have been ashamed because Calpurnia was the one who was scared for my safety.
  This was the day that changed my whole life. This was the day in which I made the biggest mistake of my life.  After I told Decius that I would come, I told all my “friends," 
  "We should all get some wine and food and then go to the capitol all together."  This was yet another fatal mistake that cost me my life later on.

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