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I am the emperor of Rome. I can be imperious,am easily flattered, very superstitious, and ambitious to become the king of the Roman state.

Monday, April 25, 2011

(The beginning) A Wining Victory:

         It all began in February, the year 44 B.C. I Julius Caesar, had just re-entered Rome in triumph after winning a victory in Spain over the sons of my old enemy, Pompey The Great. To celebrate my victory, millions of my people threw me a wonderful, and cheerful festival on February 15th. This festival was called Festival of Lupercalia. It was such a nice festival, and I was so greatful to be their emperor. Everything was going well, until two tribunes of Rome decided to come, but they, unlike everyone else, where not their to celebrate; but rather to destroy it. Both these tribunes where political enemies of mine, their names where Flavius, and Marullus.  After hearing about what they both did at my festival, I got very angry because they had disrespected me by taking down some of my ornaments hanging from my statue. At this time things began to change for me, and no not for better, but for worse.

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