Trebonius: Was the one who lured Antony out of the Senate house so that the others can kill me. Was also one of the conspirator's who actually did not stab me.
Decius Brutus: Is the conspirator who persuaded me to attend the Senate on the day of the Ides of March by faking a flattering interpretation of (my wife) Calpurnia's dream and by telling me that the Senates want to crown me king.
Caius Ligarius: Is the last member of the conspirators to join during the early morning of the Ides of March.
After the day of my assassination I have realized who my real friends are, and who my enemies are. I was very upset to find out that Brutus, my best friend that I truly loved and cared for, was one of those who hated, and wanted to get rid of me. That day has shocked me, and I hope it has shocked many of you, and it will always shock me whenever I will look back on it. Yes things could have been different for me if I had just listened to my wife, the soothsayer, and Artemidorus, but like I said before I was a blind fool. They, Calpurnia, Artimindoru, and the soothsawyer were all the ones who tried to warn me and protect me, while Decius Brutus, Brutus, Cassius, and all the other conspirators, were all the ones, that wanted to kill me. And by me turning my back by not listening to them, I got killed, and their is one thing that i have learned through all of this. That one thing is to listen to the ones who care for you, and to ignore the ones who hate and deceive you.
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