" Oh hello I didn’t see you there. My name is Julius Caesar. Let me tell you a little about myself. I was the emperor of Rome, and thought I was doing a very good job at it. I can be very superstitious, imperious, easily flattered, which caused problems for me, and was ambitious to become king of the Roman state. What happened to me you may ask? Well the answer to that question leads to a very long , and sad, story about betrayal and death. Now, where shall I begin?"............
About Me

- Julius Casar
- I am the emperor of Rome. I can be imperious,am easily flattered, very superstitious, and ambitious to become the king of the Roman state.
Monday, April 25, 2011
(The beginning) A Wining Victory:
It all began in February, the year 44 B.C. I Julius Caesar, had just re-entered Rome in triumph after winning a victory in Spain over the sons of my old enemy, Pompey The Great. To celebrate my victory, millions of my people threw me a wonderful, and cheerful festival on February 15th. This festival was called Festival of Lupercalia. It was such a nice festival, and I was so greatful to be their emperor. Everything was going well, until two tribunes of Rome decided to come, but they, unlike everyone else, where not their to celebrate; but rather to destroy it. Both these tribunes where political enemies of mine, their names where Flavius, and Marullus. After hearing about what they both did at my festival, I got very angry because they had disrespected me by taking down some of my ornaments hanging from my statue. At this time things began to change for me, and no not for better, but for worse.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
The First Warning Of March 15th:
The First Warning Of March 15th
This was the day that could have changed my life if I had only listened. This day was the day I got warned about march 15th, also known as the Ides of March. It was a beautiful day outside, and I, my wife, and my very close friend Mark Antony, were all at my festival having a wonderful time. I remember this day, as if it where yesterday. I ordered my wife (Calpurnia) to stand where Mark Antony was standing. The reason why, is because I wanted her to run in the traditional footrace of the Lupercal, so she can have a fun time. As I watched the race, I heard someone calling to me from a distance. I turned around to see who it was. It was a soothsayer (fortuneteller) warning me to “ Beware the Ides Of March”. I foolishly looked away and ignored him. This day was not only the day in which I got warned. Ah yes, i got warned many other times as well. And as a fool, I still did not listen.
The Second Warning Of March 15th:
Calpurnia pleading for Caesar to stay home
It was a stormy day. I was at home about to leave when I was warned for the second time. This time, Calpurnia was the one who gave me the warning. She stopped me as I was half way out the door and told me that she dreamt of me getting murdered. In her dream she saw many smiling Romans dipping their hands in blood flowing from my statue. I thought her dream was absurd, but to please my wife, I told her that I would stay. I later found out that her dream had had more meaning then I thought.
I told Antony to inform the Senators that I would not be coming. Decius Brutus then walked in and asked why I was not attending the ceremony. I told him the real reason and then told him about Calpurnia's dream. Decius looked at me and smiled a little. He told me that her dream may mean something else and began to re-interpret it.
“Calpurnia's dream may be symbolic to your blood reviving Rome. The smiling Romans are seeking distinctive vitality from you, the great Caesar. The Senate will laugh at you for being governed by your wife's dream if you do not come,” said Decius. I remember looking down ashamed for having been swayed by Calpurnia's foolish fears. But I was wrong for that. I should not have been ashamed because Calpurnia was the one who was scared for my safety.
This was the day that changed my whole life. This was the day in which I made the biggest mistake of my life. After I told Decius that I would come, I told all my “friends,"
"We should all get some wine and food and then go to the capitol all together." This was yet another fatal mistake that cost me my life later on.
This day was a day that I wish I could change. It was a day, in which I fell into a trap. This day was one of those days that I will never forget. It started out fine as a result of my ignorance, but ended terribly.
It was early in the morning and I had just arrived at the capitol after an hour driving. I was honored that I was about to be crowned king of Rome. Antony stood beside me as I got out of the carriage. I met up with all my other "friends" and made my way to the stage. I took a deep breath of excitement and braced myself, but before I got any further I saw the soothsayer. I walked up to him.
"It's March 15th." I mockingly said.
"Yes, Caesar, it is; but the day is not over yet." he replied.
Upon hearing his response I became upset. I was beginning to believe he was just wasting my time, while, in reality, he was trying to save my life. I walked away and continued up the steps. As I got further up the stairs, I was stopped yet again, but this time it was not by the soothsayer, but rather by Artimindorus. Artimindorus walked up to me, handed me an envelope, and told me to read it. He said it was urgent. I just looked at him
“Why?” I asked a little annoyed.
"It's very important, please I need you to read it." he said. Not caring about what may have been in the envelope I walked away and headed in to the Capitol. Thousands of people greated me as I made my way in. I began to make my way up to the podium, but before I could reach up to it, to make my speech, Metellus Cimber stopped me by beginning to plead to me to revoke his brothers banishment. I ignored him and tried to walk away, but before I could Brutus, Casca, and all my other “friends” began to join in on the pleading with Metellus Cimber. All their pleadings began to rise in intensity and when I tried to walk away, from behind (out of nowhere) I felt a sharp knife plunge in to me. I turned around and saw that It was Casca who stabbed me. I began to feel pain, and when I looked down I saw my whole back drenched in blood. Then after about a second all my “friends” except for Brutus, attacked me and began to stab me with their knives. I remember how it felt. It was so painful, and it hurt very much. It felt like I was in a bad dream. I fell on the floor in gasp of air. I then saw Brutus, sweat Brutus. He knelt down beside me and looked at me for about a minute. Thinking that he would help me, he just looked at me then took his knife and plunged it in my heart. The last words that I could cough out to Brutus where, “you too, Brutus”. I was so hurt and shocked to see that Brutus, my best friend that I loved and cared about, was one of those to want to kill me.
It was early in the morning and I had just arrived at the capitol after an hour driving. I was honored that I was about to be crowned king of Rome. Antony stood beside me as I got out of the carriage. I met up with all my other "friends" and made my way to the stage. I took a deep breath of excitement and braced myself, but before I got any further I saw the soothsayer. I walked up to him.
"It's March 15th." I mockingly said.
"Yes, Caesar, it is; but the day is not over yet." he replied.
Upon hearing his response I became upset. I was beginning to believe he was just wasting my time, while, in reality, he was trying to save my life. I walked away and continued up the steps. As I got further up the stairs, I was stopped yet again, but this time it was not by the soothsayer, but rather by Artimindorus. Artimindorus walked up to me, handed me an envelope, and told me to read it. He said it was urgent. I just looked at him
“Why?” I asked a little annoyed.
"It's very important, please I need you to read it." he said. Not caring about what may have been in the envelope I walked away and headed in to the Capitol. Thousands of people greated me as I made my way in. I began to make my way up to the podium, but before I could reach up to it, to make my speech, Metellus Cimber stopped me by beginning to plead to me to revoke his brothers banishment. I ignored him and tried to walk away, but before I could Brutus, Casca, and all my other “friends” began to join in on the pleading with Metellus Cimber. All their pleadings began to rise in intensity and when I tried to walk away, from behind (out of nowhere) I felt a sharp knife plunge in to me. I turned around and saw that It was Casca who stabbed me. I began to feel pain, and when I looked down I saw my whole back drenched in blood. Then after about a second all my “friends” except for Brutus, attacked me and began to stab me with their knives. I remember how it felt. It was so painful, and it hurt very much. It felt like I was in a bad dream. I fell on the floor in gasp of air. I then saw Brutus, sweat Brutus. He knelt down beside me and looked at me for about a minute. Thinking that he would help me, he just looked at me then took his knife and plunged it in my heart. The last words that I could cough out to Brutus where, “you too, Brutus”. I was so hurt and shocked to see that Brutus, my best friend that I loved and cared about, was one of those to want to kill me.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
A View From Heaven:
My dead body laid on the floor covered in blood. Millions of people were screaming and shouting, in fear of what they had just witnessed. All the killers looked at my body in disgussment, they then turned around and tried to quiet the crowd. Trebonius entered the Capitol, "Antony just went home" he said. With everyone still watching to see what would happen next, all the conspirators kneeled down and began to bathe their hands in my blood. They then got up and started walking out of the Capitol while shouting out "Peace, freedom, and liberty!" At this point I feel ashamed because Calpurnia’s dream has came true, and it was my fault for not listening to her. Once Antony found out about my death, he was shocked and very hurt. He then came back to the Capitol and saw my dead body lying on the floor drenched in blood. He sadly looked at my body for about five seconds then said his good bye's to me. With Brutus and all the other conspirators looking at him, Antony turned around and began a pretend reconciliation with them. He then shook each hand of the conspirators, and requested permission to make a speech at my funeral. Once Brutus excepted everyone except Antony left. Antony looked at my body once more and apologized for what he had to do. I am very pleased with Antony because unlike all my other " friends" he was the only one who did't, and will never betray me.
A Visit To Brutus:
It's been a while now after my death, and things have changed for Brutus. Back at home in Rome, many of my people went from door to door in search of both Brutus and Cassius, for their vengeance on how they had killed me. To prevent from getting killed, both Brutus and Cassius ran away to hide in Philippi. Soon Antony and Octavius have found them and declared a war. As both prepared for this war, I have decided to give Brutus a little visit.
It was late at night and everyone was sleeping except for Brutus. Brutus was lying down reading his book. I decided to interrupt his quiet time by giving him a visit.
" Hello, Brutus" I said. Brutus then looked up, ajusted his eyes, and jumped up fearfully.
" What are yo- you? A god? An angel? A- a, Devil? He asked.
" No Brutus, it is I Caesar."I said.
" Caesar!? Wha- what do you want from me?" he asked a little scared
" I want of nothing. I came to tell you that we will meet again" I said
" What do you mean by meet again?" he asked
" We will meet Again." I said again as I began to disappear. " Again, again, again, again." echoed as i disappeared. Brutus just sat their after I left, not knowing what he saw, was true.
It was late at night and everyone was sleeping except for Brutus. Brutus was lying down reading his book. I decided to interrupt his quiet time by giving him a visit.
" Hello, Brutus" I said. Brutus then looked up, ajusted his eyes, and jumped up fearfully.
" What are yo- you? A god? An angel? A- a, Devil? He asked.
" No Brutus, it is I Caesar."I said.
" Caesar!? Wha- what do you want from me?" he asked a little scared
" I want of nothing. I came to tell you that we will meet again" I said
" What do you mean by meet again?" he asked
" We will meet Again." I said again as I began to disappear. " Again, again, again, again." echoed as i disappeared. Brutus just sat their after I left, not knowing what he saw, was true.
A War To Remember:
It all began in Philippi. Octavious, Antony, and all their forces waited for Brutus, Cassius, and all their forces to arrive. Soon a messenger finally arrived to report that Brutus, and Cassius had arrived.
" Octavious, you take the left side, I'll take the right." said Antony, But not wanting to follow what Antony had said Octavious insists upon taking the right side, while he take the left side. As Brutus, Cassius, and all their followers enter, the opposing generals began to confront each other in parley. Both sides immediately hurled insults at one another. Octavius then drew his sword and called for my death to be avenged; he then swore that he would not lay the sword down again until another Caesar (names himself) adds the deaths of the traitors to the general slaughter. The leaders insulted each other once more, before parting to ready their armies for battle. Once Antony and Octavious left, Brutus asked Lucillius if he could talk to him privately.Cassius then called Messala to do the same.Once finished, to find out if there were any recent omens, Cassius told his soldiers that it was his birthday. Some of the bad omens the sldier's said were that, there were two mighty eagles alighted on the foremost banners of their army and perched there, feeding from some of the soldier's hands. They also said that early in the morning they were all gone. Later ravens, crows, and other scavenger birds arrived circling over the troops as if the men were diseased and weak prey's. Once the soldier's finished, Cassius then walked back to join Brutus. Things began to get worse for Brutus and Cassius. Once on the battle field again, Cassius saw men retreating, Cassius then sends Titinius to ride toward the soldiers to see who they are. Once Titinius left Cassius told Pindaris to watch after Titinius. This is when things began to get worse for Cassius. As Pindaris watches Titinus, Pindaris reports to Cassius that he saw Titinius being shot by the soldiers. Once Cassius thought that it was all his fault that Titinius died, when he really didn't, Cassius told Pindaris to kill him by stabbing him with a knife. The truth was that Titinius did't get killed or captured, he was celebrating with Brutus because they had won the first battle. It was soon to late because Cassius had just died. Once Brutus had found out about Cassius's death he got angry and mad because he killed himself for no reason. Soon Brutus dies as well, due to losing in the battle. And at the end the victory goes to bth Octavious and Antony.
So Called " Friends":

Trebonius: Was the one who lured Antony out of the Senate house so that the others can kill me. Was also one of the conspirator's who actually did not stab me.
Decius Brutus: Is the conspirator who persuaded me to attend the Senate on the day of the Ides of March by faking a flattering interpretation of (my wife) Calpurnia's dream and by telling me that the Senates want to crown me king.
Caius Ligarius: Is the last member of the conspirators to join during the early morning of the Ides of March.
After the day of my assassination I have realized who my real friends are, and who my enemies are. I was very upset to find out that Brutus, my best friend that I truly loved and cared for, was one of those who hated, and wanted to get rid of me. That day has shocked me, and I hope it has shocked many of you, and it will always shock me whenever I will look back on it. Yes things could have been different for me if I had just listened to my wife, the soothsayer, and Artemidorus, but like I said before I was a blind fool. They, Calpurnia, Artimindoru, and the soothsawyer were all the ones who tried to warn me and protect me, while Decius Brutus, Brutus, Cassius, and all the other conspirators, were all the ones, that wanted to kill me. And by me turning my back by not listening to them, I got killed, and their is one thing that i have learned through all of this. That one thing is to listen to the ones who care for you, and to ignore the ones who hate and deceive you.
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